Saturday, September 15, 2012

Keeping track of all these great ideas

I've been getting so many good things from blogland, but keeping track of it can be intense.  I've been doing two things that I'd like to share.  As I get new inspirations and plans, I put them in the mind map I've made of Algebra using MindMaple.  This program is free and it really helps me develop ideas and remember things.  As you can see, each topic has subtopics, I have also inserted links and attached notes in this image.

As ideas become actual plans, I put them in my online planner from  You can insert links and attach files, so everything is right there and I'm hoping it makes things easier for next year.  I've been highlighting the activities and tech based material in purple so they are easier to pick out.  Often, a good activity from one chapter can be modified for a later chapter, the problem is remembering them, so this highlighting is helpful for me.

1 comment:

  1. YOU, Lea Ann, need to stop it with all the great ideas! I need to get a life, you know. Now I have to try these out. (Thank you!! :))
